Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Reduce operational costs by recovering lost energy from your systems.

Neelands CHP Services

Neelands has a long history of helping businesses find efficiencies and become more environmentally sustainable.

Our CHP specialists identify and repurpose lost heat and energy back into your systems, thus reducing GHG emissions and maximizing energy efficiency. CHP technology, also known as cogeneration, can be deployed quickly, is cost-effective and can be implemented with a variety of fuels, both fossil and renewable-based.

Neelands goes even further to unearth incremental efficiencies by integrating CHP with CO2 technologies to further decrease refrigeration energy consumption by reducing trans critical operation in hotter environments.

The Difference CHP Makes

Properly designed cogeneration applications are guaranteed to assist your business in recovering wasted energy.

CHP systems operate at 65-75% efficiency, a marked improvement compared to the national average of ~50% for isolated HVAC and energy systems.

Additionally, Neelands can integrate absorption chillers and operate in tri-gen mode, increasing efficiencies up to 80%.

Inquire about Neelands CHP services to learn how your business can save energy.

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